Berkeley Codes for NCI/NTP Bioassays

Code Definitions of Berkeley Codes
C The TD50 includes all animals with a tumor at any site with a “c” opinion. The mix was created for the CPDB, and MXB appears on the left side of the plot.
M The TD50 includes all animals with a tumor at any site with a “c” or “p” opinion. The mix was created for the CPDB, and MXB appears on the left side of the plot.
P The TD50 includes all animals with a tumor at any site with a “p” opinion. The mix was created for the CPDB, and MXB appears on the left side of the plot.
S The TD50 has been included in the plot because the sites were statistically significant in the tables of analyses of primary tumors, and the TD50 based on lifetable analysis was significant at the p<0.05 level; however, the NCI/NTP report did not evaluate the site as evidence of carcinogenicity. The statistical sites reported in the CPDB are dependent upon the statistically significant results reported in NCI/NTP Technical Reports. Over time, the statistical tests included in Technical Reports have changed.

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